5 Best Practices for Sending Effective Email Notifications

5 Best Practices for Sending Effective Email Notifications

Emails Notifications nowadays have become one of the key components of email marketing campaigns and services. Everyday thousands of emails are sent for the same purpose from different email marketing platforms, but only a small number of these mails are opened and read. This is because of ineffective and ill designed email notifications.

The most effective approach to communicating with your users is via email. Especially if you plan to avail transactional email service or event-driven notifications. Email notifications are an easy, affordable, and efficient way to get in touch with your consumers.

You can utilize email delivery services to update users on new product releases or features in addition to keeping them informed about their account activity, which can increase customer retention.

What are Email Notifications?

A notification email is one that you send to subscribers via email automation system informing them of promotional offers, product updates, features, scheduled changes, new applications, planned maintenance, etc. Simply put, these emails assist you with keeping your consumers and customers informed about critical information related to your company or brand.

In other words, it is an important message is delivered as a part of email marketing campaign service to users or customers of a business via a notification email. These emails are the outcome of an existing commercial relationship between the sender and the recipient.

Why are email notifications important?

Email notifications and alerts create a powerful impact on your prospects and consumers. They encourage customers to shortlist your company or make a purchase if sent to the right person at the right time. They encourage past customers to come back to your brand and rebuild relationships. They even entice new customers and promote user engagement along with building up brand loyalty, and brand reputation.

They help in promoting new products and features of the brand. Email notifications comparatively have a higher open rate, and make sure that your past and future customers come to you first while looking for a service or product. All this is effectively done with the use of email marketing platforms or email marketing management systems.

What makes an email notification effective?

In simple terms, any email notification that has a higher open rate and generates the most leads is an effective email notification. However, there is more to effective email notifications than just that.

An effective email notification has relevant and appropriate vocabulary, it is short and concise, relatable to the customer, timely sent, related to the brand, and delivers a clear specific idea.

Email Notification best practices

  1. A catchy subject line:
    The most important thing while sending an email notification is the subject line. A catchy subject line makes sure that your email is opened and read. Even if a user never reads the mail, they should still be able to tell what they need to know from the subject line.
    A mail would only perform well if the subject line makes an impactful impression. Even if the content of notification emails is highly relevant to the receiver, they would only perform well if the subject line makes sure that the mail is read.
    For instance, a subject line that is direct and informs the user of the purpose of your notice, would determine whether they need to open the message or not.
  2. Convey only one idea:
    Email notifications are only effective if they focus on only one idea. That's because customers only spend a short time reading these messages; having too many ideas into one would not only divert the customer’s attention but would also make the main idea miss out.
    Too much information leads to confusion and defeats the purpose of sending an email notification. Make sure to keep it short and simple focused entirely on one single concept.
  3. Personalization works best:
    Make sure to personalize your emails, whenever you can. This is because today customers focus more on personalization than brand image. A simple "Hello there (name)" will do wonders for your marketing campaign, compelling your customers to open the mail.
    Personalization is not only about adding a first name or sending a happy birthday mail; each element of your mail should make sure to emphasize the user's particular context, actions, requirements, and needs. In fact, you should think about eliminating any information that isn't expressly tailored as per the customer.
  4. Timely notifications:
    Most email notifications have a time-sensitive component. Customers don't want to learn that their product has been waiting outside their door for hours; they want to know immediately that it has been delivered. The same holds true for updates on account activity and the rest of other email notifications. Even a single account activity notification can help you to maintain your brand image and build trust with your customers and users.
    While there is no single best time to sent your email notifications, but studies suggest that morning and night are the best time to sent any product or service related update, as most email users are sure to check their mails around that time. Moreover, one can also use advanced software and algorithms like email management system and email delivery services to send timely notifications. Timely email notifications also ensure brand honesty and transparency.
  5. Related to the Brand image
    Another key point to keep in mind is that email notifications should be strictly consistent and related to your brand image and idea. Even though your notifications have to be brief, this doesn't imply you should disregard thoughtful design and language and ignore your brand idea.
    Whenever you interact with clients, your brand experience should be consistent. Making sure your notification emails' graphic components and tone are consistent with your marketing emails and other communications is part of this.
    Make sure that all notifications, whether email or not, are consistent with your brand style and idea.
    In other words, the same fonts, footer, and header, and color scheme should be employed for all email notifications. You can do this by simply having a pre-designed template for all your email notifications.


These are just a few quick and easy techniques to maximize the use of your email notifications. You can further enhance your email notifications by making them eye-catchy, using lots of color, using appropriate emojis, including your contact information, having a direct call-to-action button, making them mobile friendly, or even having an “unsubscribe” button would surely make an effective email notification.
Make sure to stick to all those above mentioned tips to create an effective and efficient email marketing strategy to enhance customer experience with your brand. Nowadays, various email marketing companies and platforms are available, that can help you achieve your marketing goals.